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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cabarrus, NC

location-map Cabarrus , NC | (704) 848 7219

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Life is difficult and involves growth and change which is not always easy or comfortable. You may not know where to start and need assistance with developing a plan to embrace change and begin to heal and move forward. I enjoy working with individuals, couples, and families to assist them in reaching their goals, improving their relationships, and beginning their healing process. I have had the privilege of working with children, adolescents, adults, and families and use a collaborative relationship to assist them in making changes to move forward in various areas of their lives. I believe in providing a safe and supportive atmosphere to promote growth and healing. I use a variety of techniques tailored to fit each individual client and their needs. I have experience with using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I am also a rostered clinician in Trauma Focused - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and trained in EMDR.

location-map Cabarrus , NC | (980) 291 9311

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"I'm okay. Everything's alright". You tell yourself this repetitively while withholding tears and smiling for everyone else. You secretly struggle to believe what God says about you. Some days you feel so alone. You battle to feel loved and good enough to be the person God created you to be. Anxiety, depression, fear, grief, loss, shame and trauma have become emotional strongholds. Life seems to keep coming and you feel depleted. You ultimately want to live in freedom in your mind, no longer enslaved by the pain of the past, comparison, and even fear that your future will be failure. You desire to sense hope and fulfillment again. Does this sound like you? Our Licensed Therapists are all Christians trained to help you move past fear, shame, doubt and other complex emotions that get in the way of the inner peace, joy and love God desires for YOU. Together we can address any unhealthy, unhelpful thought patterns that are barriers to you living the abundant life Christ has for you! We offer Christian Therapy for NC residents virtually so you can receive help conveniently. We would be honored to help you to redefine your life story to create more balance, meaning and fulfillment. Our virtual space is convenient and HIPAA -compliant so that your healing can work seamlessly with your busy life. Become a Wellness Partner today!

location-map Cabarrus , NC | (980) 255 5347

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I work from a Person Centered Modality with the goal of walking alongside my clients. Anxiety, depression, transitions, or trauma can be overwhelming and all consuming. Working one’s way through high school, college, a new job, or relationship can be scary. My sole desire is to help provide my clients the tools to overcome adversity, help clients grow into the healthiest individuals they can, and help them build trust within. Rather than run away from our fears and anxieties, lets run towards growth and a healthier version of one's self. My work has focused on helping clients with depression, anxiety, self empowerment, life transitions, and establishing healthy boundaries in their relationships. I have also worked with clients struggling with Bipolar, abuse, self-harm, and sexual identity. Rather than be controlled by one's internal narrative, we will work to help you own and rewrite this. While I will encourage and affirm during our sessions, it is also my duty to challenge decision making and push you towards finding the solution within yourself. Change is hard to come by if your counselor is only all affirming and doing all the talking. I believe all my clients have the ability to find the answer internally. Sometimes we just need help.

location-map Cabarrus , NC | (704) 457 7483

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***ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS*** Restoration of our lives is needed to help us stay hopeful and have healthy loving relationships. If you or a loved one is in need of counseling please give me a call at 803-627-2401. Our office phone is 704-786-9205 and please ask to schedule with Jenny. Thank you and I look forward to working with you.